Local accountants are now a thing of the past – would you agree?
If your answer is no then maybe we can change your mind by the end of the article.
Gone are the days that you have to drop a box of records off with your accountant – for the vast majority of people that is. This blog is for those that are intrigued by digital accounting and for those on the fence that wonder whether or not it is the right thing to do for your business. We are here to tell you it absolutely is.
Admin 'on-the-go'
Who still sets aside an ‘admin day’? Let’s reduce this to an admin hour. Who still realises they haven’t sent that customer invoice they were meant to a week ago? Let’s send this within seconds using your mobile phone. Digital accounting allows you to save time on those important yet timely tasks and gifts you the extra time to grow your business in the way that it needs to – leaving you to focus on the parts of your business you love and spend less time on the not so fun parts.
From our 20+ years of experience in accounting we know first-hand how much our clients dread that email requesting records from months ago – as helpful as you have all been we know you hate it! A cloud accounting software such as Xero combined with the use of Hubdoc keeps your records up to date on a daily basis whilst we work away in the background.
Can you see where we are going with this yet? No? Keep reading ..
Why should I go Digital?
For those that have been in business for a while, we are all guilty of being set in our ways and not be able to let go of a filing system or a spreadsheet or two. Now is the time to make that change.
Going digital helps you manage your business more efficiently, if you are not yet convinced we spoke to a number of clients to get their feedback;
- ‘management reports have given me the opportunity to see where I am underperforming and make proactive decisions for the future of the business’
- ‘I can invoice a job instantly leaving the site, I don’t even have to send it to the accountant’
- ‘Instant invoicing has helped me get paid quicker’
- ‘I don’t miss out on any VAT claims on invoices that I usually end up losing, I take a picture in the app on my phone, job done!’
- ‘I can get an instant report of who hasn’t paid me yet and send statements in a click of a button, it has made a massive improvement on my cashflow’
And finally you might have heard the phrase Making Tax Digital which basically means you are eventually going to have to become digital, so why not be ahead of the game!
How NealFord can help you on your transition to Digital Accounting
Here at NealFord we pride ourselves on our remote support that we provide all year round including email, phone calls and as we are all now more than familiar, a lengthy zoom meeting has become a natural part of the working day for us now.
Of course utilising digital processing has made the accounting process more efficient for us however what we love most is the value this adds to the service that we provide to our clients. What do we mean by that? Here are just a few benefits;
- Provide real-time information on a monthly, even daily basis
- With records being updated weekly we can provide you with management accounts upon request
- Creates less admin for you as the business owner
- It enables us to calculate your tax liabilities in a more timely manner
- With little extra work we can provide future forecasts/budgets
Now this article doesn’t mean we no longer accommodate client meetings, in fact we LOVE a client meeting, there are invaluable connections to be made and relationships to be built in these meetings, so why not have the best of both worlds? So what if we are 20 miles away it gives us an excuse for a day out, a coffee and a catch up – then let us be available to support you in your business every other day. So do you still think you need your accountant round the corner?
Need business support?
When we say we are not just your year-end accountants we really mean it. If you want to know more about how NealFord can support you on your transition to digital accounting please send us an email or give us a call and lets have a chat.
Author: NealFord
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